Contact information
Itämerenkatu 11-13, 00180 Helsinki, Finland
Please note that these telephone numbers are not mobile phone numbers, and therefore you cannot send SMS to them.
Actuary and statistics
Ville Lilja, Actuary director, tel. + 358 409 221 413
Actuarial services:
Katri Kytömäki, Statistician, tel + 358 404 504209
Antti Pulkkinen, Actuary, tel +358 409 225 559
Juha Tiensuu, Mathematician, tel. + 358 409 220 801
Statistical services:
Suvi Haavisto, BI Architect, tel +358 457 820 2010
Juha Hemminki, Statistical manager, tel +358 404 504 204
Jussi Laatunen, Data analyst, tel +358 404 504 263
Miia Mecklin-Mattila, Chief analyst, tel +358 404 504 219
Katja Sandberg, Data analyst, tel +358 404 504 726
Janne Reini, CEO, tel +358 409 222 907
Jari-Matti Lifländer, Director of Administration, tel + 358 404 504 585
Merja Aaltonen, Executive Assistant, tel +358 404 504 202
Niina Laakso, Data Protection Officer, tel +358 404 504 215, Email:
Claims and Supervision
Workers' Compensation claims | Claims service number +358 404 504210 | Service on weekdays from 1 to 3 pm.
The Employees' Group Life Assurance
Service number + 358 409 222 900 | | Service on weekdays from 1 to 3 pm.
Supervision's email: | Service number +358 409 221 223 | Service on weekdays from 9:30-11:30 and 13-15,
Insurance register | Service number +358 409 220 930 | Service on weekdays from 9:30 am to 3 pm.
Heli Lagerblom, Director, tel +358 404 504 216
Niina Laakso, Supervision manager, Lawyer tel +358 404 5042 15
Medical experts
Teemu Helkamaa, MD expert
Jari Rechardt, MD expert
Sari-Leena Lund, Communication director, tel + 358 409 225 528
Sanna Holmkvist, Visual communication designer, tel +358 409 220 453
Sanna Sinkkilä, Communication manager, tel +358 404 504 262
Legal affairs
Kirsi Pohjolainen, Director, tel +358 404 504 225
Elina Holmas, Lawyer, tel + 358 409 225 541
Merja Salonen, Lawyer, tel + 358 404 504229
Employment Accident Compensation Board
Kirsi Salo, Lawyer, Head of the EACB Bureau, tel +358 404 504 228
Hanna-Kajsa Henttonen, Referendary, tel + 358 45 7820 8257
Elina Isaksson, Lawyer, tel +358 404 504 243
Reetta Kantanen, Referendary, tel +358 404 504 207
Mari Karttunen, Lawyer, tel + 358 409 225 550
Mika Tynkkynen, Director, tel +358 404 504 236
Safety at work and Investigation of accidents at work
Marja Kaari, Occupational safety manager, tel +358 404 504234
Janne Sysi-Aho, Database analyst, tel +358 404 504 232
Otto Veijola, Occupational safety specialist, tel +358 409 220 985